Item 2235515 93/03/12 13:47 From: CONRAD_GEIGER@NEXT.COM@INET# Internet Gateway Subject: Win Free Trip To NeXTWORLD Expo with Stone Art '93 News For Immediate Release For more information, contact: Carla Kay Barlow 2425 Teodoro NW Albuquerque NM 87107 Phone: 505-345-4800 Fax: 505 345 3424 Email: Stone Design Announces StoneArt '93 Contest ALBUQUERQUE, NM, March 12, 1993 - Stone Design has launched the StoneArt '93 art and database-design contest, promising the winner a round-trip ticket to NeXTWORLD Expo. "Send us your best artwork, and we'll send you to the Expo," said Andrew Stone, CEO of Stone Design. "Whether you're a Create master or a 3D guru, or have designed a killer database, this is your chance to show your stuff." Stone Design is accepting submissions of Create artwork, 3DReality artwork and DataPhile database templates, beginning immediately and ending April 25. The company will review the submissions and announce a winner by April 30, and will award the winner his or her choice of round-trip plane or train tickets from anywhere in the continental United States to San Francisco for NeXTWORLD Expo, May 25-27, 1993. In addition to the winning submission, exceptional work will be displayed in Stone Design's booth at the Expo. "We've got a great setup planned this year, with machines dedicated to demonstrate our products, users' submissions and the work of other third-party companies," Andrew Stone said. "Our booth will also have ample space to double as a gallery of printed submissions." Stone Design's exhibit at the Expo will include separate areas for the company's three top programs: DataPhile, Create and 3DReality and a fourth area called the Developer's Lounge. Users and small developers are encouraged to make "guest appearances" in the Stone booth, both to help demonstrate Stone's user-friendly wares and to demo their own software. "We want to give young third parties a shot at some free booth time; it's a small but meaningful way to foster the developer base of the NeXTSTEP market," explained Andrew Stone. Users interested in submitting work to StoneArt '93 should send to " for Create submissions, the original .create file " for 3DReality, the original .3DReality file AND a single rendered image (.tiff only, please) " for DataPhile, a data-less .dp file (clone/template) including View Browser notes per view. Submitted .create, .3DReality and image files become the property of Stone Design. Should a database template win the contest, Stone reserves the right to distribute the template with DataPhile; in the case of non-winning but exceptional database designs, Stone will create screenshots for booth-display purposes and will not own the work. Users and developers who would like to participate in product demonstrations during the Expo should write to and note the times during which they will be available for booth appearances; developers should also describe, and if possible send, the software they would like to demonstrate. Users who do not have access to electronic mail should contact Stone Design by regular mail. Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, founded in 1984, develops a variety of business productivity applications for NeXTSTEP computers. """ DataPhile, Create and 3DReality are trademarks of Stone Design Corporation. NeXTSTEP is a trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. All other brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.